When uploading the outlines for our “Year of Memorization” page, I was searching the internet for an image to use on the page. This was the first one to show up! I almost used it because I think it shows how we feel about the idea of memorizing. It makes our brains hurt just thinking about it!
However, I hope that you’ll give memorizing verses of Scripture a chance. It is more difficult in our minds that it is in practice. And, practice is the key. It’s really a matter of repetition and forming a habit.
God commands us to store up His Word in our hearts (Psalm 119:11; Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Matthew 13:52; etc.). He does not command us to do something that cannot be done! Like all spiritual disciplines, it takes time and effort. But, it can be accomplished. The God who created our minds knows how they work and what they are capable of achieving.
Visit our “Year of Memorization” page and give it a try. There are many other resources available on the internet with different techniques that may help your process. Make your heart a storehouse for the treasure of God’s Word.
“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee” (Psalm 119:11).
– Byron Longcrier